What Bi got to offer to the World

 There is freedom in a world of labels to reject the labels and be who you are.

There is freedom in world of labels to embrace your label an still be who you are.

Imagine living your life between rock solid bordered categories and identities.

The desire to fit in one of those categories will sooner or later force people to wear masks.

At first, there is a rejection of the belonging in one of those 2 worlds.

Bisexual people are perceived as straight people although they don’t want to.

Under the pressure bisexual people come out as lesbians or gay but they still like all the sexes and genders.

Feeling of guilt are still present in both of the scenarios.

The societies we live in make it so hard to be ourselves.

In order to be themselves people are forced to jump over many obstacles- social, political, legal and economical.

Mostly, overcome every of the obstacles is just not possible.

What is the real price for the societies with the lack of acknowledgment sexual and gender diversities?

Rigid gender roles lead to gender based violence, lack of reproductive and sexual rights.

Rigid boarders between sexualities create the same danger for reproductive, sexual and mental health.

By erasing or excluding bi+ identities societies create clear boarder between healthy heterosexual and ill homosexual.

It is of crucial importance to understand that marriage doesn’t decide or define sexual orientation. Hello to all those people that lobby for conversion therapies. People are gay, bi or asexual no matter the type of relationship they are in. It’s a part of their identity. Suppressed or not.

Once, l have heard how bisexual identity is not important when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases and data.

Even, bisexuality was accused as excluding to people in jails. Men who have sex with Men or Women have sex with Women is more then enough.

Basic form of exclusion but none seemed to care in that room.

Judgmental questions regarding bisexuality asked by health practitioners increases risks of STIs and are highly damaging for the reproductive health.

According to London Assembly Health committee only 33% of bisexuals feeling comfortable sharing their sexual orientation with their general practitioner.

The young person that manage to visit the doctor will probably stay in silence.

The damage of bisexual stigma will probably affect questioning young people that in the end will embrace heterosexuality and live hidden lives with the sense of guilt.

Why bisexual identity need to stand in between gay and straight ?

Bi for the sake of the end of rigid gender roles, Bi for the sake of reproductive and sexual health, Bi for the sake of sexual positivity, Bi for the better understanding of complex identities and social pluralism.

Bi in the times of clashes and extremes!

bi elephant

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